Georges Freyssinet, the CEO of LemnaGene SA commented, "this new facility is a big plus for us. We can now produce efficiently transgenic Spirodela in a very nice environment. In addition, being inside the Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon allows us to work with high level scientific teams and have access to facilities and equipments which will speed up our development".
Michel van der Rest, Research Director at ENS Lyon commented, "The ENS Lyon is developing a clearly defined policy for the technology transfer of its research. With the aim of doing this, we are happy to host LemnaGene in our buildings within the framework of a research collaboration with the team of Thierry Gaude (Laboratoire de Reproduction et Développement des Plantes). LemnaGene will benefit from the expertise of this team and the equipments of this laboratory".
LemnaGene SA has been established in October 2003 in Lyon, France with the support of US and French private investors and a 400,000 Euro grant from the French Ministry of Research, grant managed by ANVAR (Agence Nationale de Valorisation de la Recherche). LemnaGene has received support from Créalys, the incubator from "Rhône-Alpes Ouest", and the Novacité label from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Lyon.
LemnaGene SA has an exclusive license from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, on know-how and patents developed by Weizmann scientists and has secured several additional licenses on enabling technologies. Agreements have been entered into with three development partners to validate the industrial feasibility of the LemnaGene platform for several genes of commercial interest.
Source: LemnaGene